اپنڈکس کا فوری علاج ● परिशिष्ट क्या है?

اپنڈکس کا فوری علاج اپنڈکس کیا ہے اور اپنڈکس کا فوری ، سستا اور بغیر آپریشن علاج کیا ہے۔؟ The appendix is a small, pouch-like sac of tissue that is located in the first part of the colon (cecum) in the lower- right abdomen. Lymphatic tissue in the appendix aids in immune function. The official name of the appendix is veriform appendix, which means “worm-like appendage.” The appendix harbors bacteria. #appendix # Health #अपेंडिक्स की शल्यचिकित्सा